Thursday, July 7, 2011

Camo Key Lime Cake Balls

I love birthdays now that I make cake balls. It always gives me an excuse to do something new and exciting. And of course to wish my friends a happy birthday. Last week was my team lead's birthday and I just had to do something.

My team lead loves key lime cake balls (or she is telling me nice things so I'll get back to work!). She was also worked in the army before she came to NASA. How should I decorate cake balls that encompass the army? Jungle camouflage. Done and done. Camo Key Lime Cake Balls.

Key lime cake is pretty easy to make but requires a lot of elbow grease. Have you ever tried to juice 25 key limes before? They are tiny little limes. Hardly big enough to be called a lime. More like a limette. Anyway, juicing 25 key limes made me wish I put that juicer on my wedding registry. Marlon insisted I would never use it. Guess what Cox- the wife is always right.

The end result? 25 juiced key limes.

After the cake balls were made, I thought this would be a good opportunity to try out modeling chocolate. I have seen it used on Cake Boss and Ace of Cakes so many times that they make it look like a piece of cake (HA! get it? no? moving on..). My office mate looked up the price of some modeling chocolate: $60 a container. If that weren't enough, I would have to order it. Wouldn't exactly be here in time to bring the cake balls on my team leads birthday. Next solution? Make my own. I actually found these instructions to be incredibly helpful. I made way more modeling chocolate than I would ever need, but it worked like a charm. Add some icing color (DON'T use food coloring) and you have the colors for the jungle camo.

My first intent was to cover the entire cake ball in camo. I tried and failed miserably. It just didn't taste right. Modeling chocolate is definitely used more for looks than for taste. The end result was some stars on top of the cake balls. Not quite what I had in mind, but it actually turned out pretty good.

And they were delicious.

 Now that I have an idea how to use this modeling chocolate contraption, expect more in the future.

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