Monday, July 11, 2011

Boldly Going Where No Cake Ball Has Gone Before...

I was watching Star Trek: The Next Generation last week. The episode was based around Scottie from the original Star Trek series. In true crazy Star Trek writing, the computer had somehow saved his body in data format so when Gordie started poking around a lost ship, Scottie suddenly appears. I'm paraphrasing of course. But as the show compared the Enterprise to the Enterprise C, that's when the new cake ball idea dawned on me- evolution of a good thing is great. So I took the Enterprise (regular cake ball) and made the Enterprise C: a cake ball with filling.

Horribly geeky, I know, but stay with me.

The Hostess Cupcake is really the best model to start with. Wonderful rich chocolate with marshmallow goodness in the middle. Using my regular chocolate cake recipe with cream cheese frosting to seal the deal, I shaped them into small cupcakes. Not the fancy ones that Bakerella is so good at, but just plan old circular cake balls with a slightly rounded top. To put the filling in, I took a small cookie cutter, punched it in the cake ball, twisted and pulled out. It didn't go as deep as I would have liked so I did something super high tech: stuck my finger in the hole and pushed it down (impressive, I know).

The marshmallow filling was just from a website I googled. I added some extra marshmallow fluff so I could use the whole can. Because really, when am I ever going to use a 1/4th cup of marshmallow fluff? I just stuck the goodness in a ziplock bag, cut off the end and put into the cake ball. I didn't really see a need to put cake on top of the hole, so just dipped them in the chocolate in that configuration. The end result was a wonderfully rich and creamy treat. I even topped them off with the signature hostess cupcake decor.

And yes, those cake balls are sitting next to the printer in my office. A friend was nice enough to take a bite of the cake ball and let me snap a picture of it:
These cake balls went in record time- 2.5 hours. I didn't expect the large reaction from these cake balls, but now a whole new filling world has been opened up to me.


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