Saturday, June 25, 2011

Houston, We Have Cake Balls

Let's be clear: I am no baker. I have no pastry experience and I have never taken any culinary classes. That being said, I love to bake.

I work as an engineer for the Johnson Space Center, something I aimed for since I was 10. I have a degree in aerospace engineering and I'll probably get a masters one of these days. But my job is very stressful. I provide hardware for the international space station and when the ISS program says "get x hardware on y flight", you do it. While my job is great, I needed a stress relief, or therapy if you will. I started dabbling here and there with cupcakes which turned into cake balls which is turning into other pastries and pies. It's cheap therapy but it doesn't keep you skinny, which is the main reason I bring all these treats into the office so my husband and I aren't 300lbs by the end of the year. Then again, who wants to trust a skinny baker?

I really have figured out these cake balls. Or at least, I think I have. We recently had a bake-off in my branch and I decided to go all out. The result was the NASA cake ball display. The cake balls are made of chocolate cake, cream cheese frosting with crushed up heath bar dipped in dark chocolate. The NASA meatball is made of fondant. Its not the easiest media in the world to work with and maybe one of these days I can find a material that is less temperamental.

In this blog, I will post pictures of the cake balls I create and any helpful hints along the way for making them. And as always, I love new and crazy ideas. Suggestions are always welcome!

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